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Equipment List

Blender (BH700)

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
BH700 blender & powder coating production equipment& rolling style mixer BH700 type mixer is suitable for the mixture of various powders and granular materials. It is operated with remote material..
Post Time:[2010-07-06 ]Chongqing Degold Machine Co., Ltd.

Blender (BH700)

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
BH700 blender & powder coating production equipment&rolling style mixer BH700 type mixer is suitable for the mixture of various powders and granular materials. It is operated with remote material ..
Post Time:[2010-07-06 ]Ningbo Hybers Industrial Co., Ltd

CM Mixer Discharge-Station

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
Discharge-station for CM seires automatic container mixer: Description: Discharge-station of CM series mixer is used for dust-free unloading of the silo of CM series volumetric container mixer..
Post Time:[2010-07-06 ]Ningbo Hybers Industrial Co., Ltd

Reciprocating Single-Screw Kneader (PCS100-11D)

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
PCS100 single-screwsingle-rod extruder for powder coating kneader ---suitable for large scale batch production. Technology is based on Swiss BUSS kneader. Degold produce a new extruder with nove..
Post Time:[2010-07-06 ]Ningbo Hybers Industrial Co., Ltd

Reciprocating Single-Screw Kneader (PCS70-8D)

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
PCS70-8D single-screw single-rod extruder for powder coatings production line ---Suitable for large scale production. Technology is based on Swiss BUSS kneader. Degold produce a new extruder with ..
Post Time:[2010-07-06 ]Ningbo Hybers Industrial Co., Ltd

CM-D Automatic Container Mixer (CM600-D)

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
CM-D automatic container mixer for powder coating production line: Technology has been improved based on Germany MIXACO mixer. Main technical parameters are based on MIXACO automatic container mix..
Post Time:[2010-07-06 ]Ningbo Hybers Industrial Co., Ltd

Split-Case powder liquid mixer

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
Pump and high speed emulsifying machine Split-Case powder liquid mixer
Post Time:[2010-07-06 ]Wenzhou L&B Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.

Sigma Mixer

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
Sigma Mixer

Ribbon Blender

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
Ribbon Blender

Conical blender

Unit Type: Equipment spec:
Conical blender consists of a conical vessel with a double start helix ribbon mounted on central shaft. This type of blender is used for mixing, granulation and homogenizing applications. It handles a..