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Product List

Briquette Activated Carbon

CAS:64365-11-3 Product spec:12*40/8*30/20*40
"Briquette Activated Carbon GC-CBG-8301240 Product Size: 4x8, 8x30, 12x40, 30x100, 200, 325... Iodine (min): 800-1050mgg Moisture (max): 5% Ash (max): 15% ..

Low Foam Surfactants with High Alkaline Resistance

CAS: Product spec:30kg
RF-5K-30 Low foam surfactant At above normal temperature Low foam, can dissolve in 5% caustic alkali, strong degreasing and detergency, strong alkaline resistant, it is available for high quality co..

activated coke

CAS:64365-11-3 Product spec:GC-AC-5/8/9mm
"Certificate:ISO9001:2008 Product Size: 589mm... Iodine : 800-1050mgg CTC : 25-100% Moisture (max): 5% Ash (max): 15% Hardness (mi..

pellet activated carbons

CAS:64365-11-3 Product spec:3/4mm
"Certificate:ISO9001:2008 Product Size: 0.9, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5mm... Iodine : 800-1050mgg CTC : 25-100% Moisture (max): 5% Ash (max): 15% ..

wood-based activated carbons

CAS:64365-11-3 Product spec:GC-WP-200/325 GC-WG-4X8/8X30
"Coal-based Activated Carbon for Catalyst Carrier or Catalyst: To be used for air catalyst carrier in synthetic industry Moisture content:≤5.0% Hardness:≥90% Density:350-550gL iodine value:900-10..

powdered activated carbons

CAS:64365-11-3 Product spec:352/200 mesh
Mainly used for drinking water ,wasterwater ,gas treatment with 200 mesh(0.075mm) passing95% and 325 mesh (0.045mm) passing90% GC-WP-200325 Product Size:200, 325… Iodine (min): 800-10..

Surfactants Equivalent to Np/Op

CAS: Product spec:30kg
RQ-222H Normal temperature Used at normal temperature, strong degreasing force which NP, OP series surfactants couldn't match, dramatically excellent cleaning performance, acid & alkaline resistant,..

Chelating Dispersant for Strip Steel and De-Dusting Cleaner

CAS: Product spec:30kg
PA-EHPA-2 Dispersing agents It is high-ranking special phosphate, high dispersing chelating ability, pretty high dissolubility in strong alkaline, excellent acid and alkaline resistance, good deterg..

Low Foam and No Foam Surfactant

CAS: Product spec:30kg
AR-20: low foam, organic silicon free and any other anti-foamer free, strong degreasing force, there will be low foam in the spraying rinsing bath after degreasing, easily rinsing, it will have supe..

No Foam and Low Foam Surfactant

CAS: Product spec:30kg
RQ-122F Environmentally friendly product, low foam, strong degreasing force, stable in acid& alkaline conditions, can be formulated to produce high quality spraying degreaser combined with conventio..