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Chemical agents
Product List

BS - 385 epoxy firming agent

CAS: Product spec:98%
Product features: -- without solvent -- in temperature curing --, hardness is growing faster --, low viscosity, softness -- not occur oil noodles and albino coating -- has cert..

BS - 515 epoxy resin curing agent

CAS: Product spec:98%
Product features: - no solvents, colour and lustre is shallow - hardness is growing faster and Tg high - fast-curing, adhesive ability - not occur oil noodles and albino coating - ..

BS - 430 epoxy resin curing agent

CAS: Product spec:98%
Product features: - without solvent - fast-curing, hardness is growing faster - chemicals resistant strong sex - not occur oil noodles and albino coating - high strength, good toug..

BS - 425 epoxy firming agent

CAS: Product spec:98%
Product features: - without solvent, industrial standards -- excellent color stability - film burnish of good - anticorrosion chemical resistance - high mechanical strength -- ..

BS - 300 polyamide resin

CAS: Product spec:98%
Product features: - without solvent, medium viscosity - ratio width, can use time long - it has good flexibility, impact resistance is strong - to a variety of material has good adhesi..

Glycerol triacetate

CAS: Product spec:98.5%
Ø character and purpose: colorless, transparent, sticky, non-toxic, no corrosive liquid, can with ethanol, ethyl ether, chloroform and benzene immiscible, slightly soluble in water and carbon dioxide,..


CAS:13236-36-4 Product spec:≥99.0%
This product is used as stabilizing agent of cosmetics, chelating agent and softening agent of medicines, catalyst of synthetic rubber, terminator of acrylic polymerization, dyeing and printing auxili..


CAS: Product spec:99.0
Used as intermediate for the manufacture of medicine and pesticide,Vulcanizationg accelerator in rubber industry,flotation agent in mining,fabric and paper treatment agent in printing and dyeing,antir..

Desulfurization agent

CAS:75-20-7 Product spec:98%
Used for desulfurization in the foundry and metalluray industry.

High quality T31 (Ⅱ) curing agent

CAS: Product spec:98%
YS - T31 (Ⅱ) series of epoxy resin curing agent, has high reactivity, curing speed. But in low temperature, damp environment curing, curing body has good physical, mechanical properties. Widely used i..
Post Time:[2010-11-16 ]Shanghai YaoShan industrial Co., LTD.