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Chemical fertilizers
Product List

NutriaquaTM Ammonium Sulfate

CAS: Product spec:---
For pure colorless crystal side ramps, and water-soluble. 1.769gcm3 density. Lost heating decomposition of ammonia as acid salt. 513ºC for the complete decomposition of ammonia and sulfuric acid. Indu..
Post Time:[2010-07-15 ]Shanghai Wintong Chemicals Co., Ltd

NutriaquaTM Magnesium Sulfate (MagSul)

CAS: Product spec:--
Also known as epsom salt (epsom salt). Colorless small needle-like or columnar crystal ramps. 1.68gcm3 density. Water-soluble. Micro-soluble alcohol. 67.5ºC in the crystallization of soluble in the wa..
Post Time:[2010-07-15 ]Shanghai Wintong Chemicals Co., Ltd

NPK Water Soluble Fertilizer

CAS: Product spec:---
This formula is designed specifically for plug and bedding plant production. The addition of calcium & magnesium can feed the demand of growing plants and correct calcium & magnesium deficiencies. Low..
Post Time:[2010-07-15 ]Shanghai Wintong Chemicals Co., Ltd

Bomex Complex Chelated Micronutrients

CAS: Product spec:---
The micronutrient ratio in this product is based on the average plant needs of vegetable and flower crops grown on inert substrates. Also suitable for soil applications on poor and sandy soils, in com..
Post Time:[2010-07-15 ]Shanghai Wintong Chemicals Co., Ltd

Npk Compound Fertilizer

CAS: Product spec:--
Knitting bags with plastic liners, 50kg per bag. Neutral mark. About the NPK COMPOUND, we can produce base you need. We can also add the Mg, Zn, Ca, Fe, Cu and S etc. You know it's hard for plants..


CAS:57-13-6 Product spec:Inquire
Carbamide is a kind of acylamide-state organic nitrogen fertilizer. It molecular formula is CO(NH2)2. It is the highest solid nitrogen fertilizer for nitrogen content.

Calcium Ammonium Nitrate

CAS:15245-12-2 Product spec:
Molecular formula: Ca(NO3)2· NH4·NO3 Physicochemical Properties: white ball
Post Time:[2010-06-25 ]YATAI CHENICAL CORP.

Monopotassium phosphate

CAS:7778-77-0 Product spec:Inquire
Monopotassium phosphate

Dipotassium phosphate

CAS:7758-11-4 Product spec:Inquire
Dipotassium phosphate

Sodium triphosphate

CAS:7758-29-4 Product spec:Inquire
Sodium triphosphate