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Rubber Materials
Product List

Rubber Process Oil

CAS: Product spec:99%
Rubber Process Oil We offer rubber process oil, which is used in the processing of rubber manufacturing and is known for its superior quality. Widely used in various industries, this oil is safe to..

Rubber Chemicals

CAS: Product spec:99%
Rubber Chemicals We are associated as a leading vendor base supplying qualitatively superior range of Rubber Chemicals. These chemicals provide the genetic code for basic rubber and are used in: ..

Rubber Crumb

CAS: Product spec:99%
Rubber Crumb We offer our clients with quality Rubber Crumb that is a recycled rubber. Rubber Crumb is prepared from tire scraps and other used rubber. This rubber type finds application in man..
Post Time:[2010-08-10 ]Jain Chemical Industries

Calcium Carbonate

CAS: Product spec:99%
Calcium Carbonate We provide our clients with Calcium Carbonate that is a popular mineral found in the rocks such as marble, chalk, limestone, and travertine. It is used in pharmaceutical indus..
Post Time:[2010-08-10 ]Jain Chemical Industries

Chalk Powder

CAS: Product spec:99%
Chalk Powder our clients can avail from us chalk powder, which has accurate chemical composition and is stringently tested for purity. The chalk powder provided by us is acclaimed worldwide and f..
Post Time:[2010-08-10 ]Jain Chemical Industries

Reclaim Rubber

CAS: Product spec:99%
Reclaim Rubber Our expertise also lies in providing our clients with Reclaim Rubber that is extensively used in the manufacturing of tread rubber, tires and other quality rubber molded components..
Post Time:[2010-08-10 ]Chittaranjan Polyproducts

Butyl acetate

CAS:123-86-4 Product spec:98%
Butyl acetate:is a good organic solvents to dissolve Rosin, polyvinyl acetate, polyacrylate, polyvinyl chloride, chlorinated rubber, Gutta, polymethyl methacrylate, etc..
Post Time:[2010-08-10 ]Akcros Chemicals Ltd.

Lights sealing strips

CAS: Product spec:variety
This type of sealing strips is use to seal the lights. It is waterproof and dirt proof. It is oil resistance, heat resistance and Acid-Base resistance. The price and order amount are negotiable. At ..

Hatch cover sealing strips

CAS: Product spec:variety
This type of sealing strips is used for sealing some parts of the ship. It is waterproof, dirt proof, corrosion proof and collision avoidance. It is oil resistance, heat resistance and Acid-Base resis..

industrial sealing strips

CAS: Product spec:variety
工业密封条This type of sealing strips is used in some industrial industries. It is waterproof, dirt proof and noise proof. It is oil resistance, heat resistance and Acid-Base resistance. The price and ord..